Health Insurance

We can resume health insurance terminology as the 'provider' as we can say it may be clinic, doctor, hospital, laboratory, pharmacy or health care practitioner.  The person with the health insurance coverage's, 'insured' is the owner of the health insurance policy.
Health insurance is a type of insurance coverage that covers the cost of an insured individual's medical and surgical expenses.  Besides that, depending on the type of health insurance coverage either the insured pays costs out-of-pocket and is then reimbursed or the insurer makes payments directly to the provider. Health insurance is commonly included in employer benefit packages and seen as an employment perk in USA.
In some countries, health care coverage is provided by the state and is seen as every citizen's right, such as Canada and United Kingdom. It is classed along with public education, firefighters, street lighting, public road networks, and police as a part of a public service for the nation.

In country like USA, we can see health insurance coverage is somewhat different from the others country.  Health insurance is done by everyone, with the exception of some groups, such as veterans, elderly and/or disabled people. It is the individual's responsibility to be insured. Most recently, Obama Administration has introduced laws making it mandatory for everybody to have health insurance, obviously there are penalties for those who fail to have a policy of some kind.

Everybody at some time in their life and often on many occasions surely will need some kind of medical attention and treatment. Whenever medical care is required, mostly the patient should be able to concentrate on getting better with their health, rather than wondering whether he/she has got the resources to pay for all the bills. Most recently, This view is becoming more commonly held in nearly all the developed nations.

Best Insurance Company

Today, everyone wants theirs future to be secured. There are many financial companies which provide a variety of services to the customers. Nonetheless, some of the biggest financial services which individuals seek is insurance for their families, life and even for their property.
 Based on the market capitalization Zurich is a global Swiss insurance company which is located in headquartered Zurich, Switzerland. The company is Switzerland’s largest insurer with minimum three core business segments:
 General Insurance
, Global Life and
 Farmers Management Services.
 Through General Insurance the group is providing motor, home and commercial products and services for individuals. And, Global Life provides wide range of protection and savings propositions to individual and corporate customers.  Additionally, Farmers provide non-claims administrative and management services for the Farmers Exchanges. This company was ranked 84 in the Global 2000 list for 2015.
It is employing around 57000 people, in more than 170 countries and territories across the globe. It has global network of subsidiaries and offices in Europe, Asia, North America, Asian pacific and Latin America, and Middle East and other markets. Its strategy for 2014-16 is designed to deliver profitable, sustainable growth in a changing and more competitive business environment. Zurich Group is focusing more closely on the markets and consumer segments where the group has competitive edge.
 Till date Net Profit (FY): $4 Billion
 Till date Revenues (FY): $72 Billion
 Till date Market Cap : $45.4 Billion

Binghamton University

BinghamtonUniversity opened its doors as Triple Cities College in 1946 to serve the needs of local veterans returning from service in World War II. It was originally located in Endicott, which was five miles west of the present campus, and the fledgling school was a branch of Syracuse University. Finally, in 1965, it was formally designated the State University of New York at Binghamton. It was adopted as our informal name in 1992.
 Today, people all over the world are learning what New Yorkers have known for decades and the Binghamton University is one of America's premier public universities
 Flow of the international students is from  various locations as varied as Turkey, Nepal, Australia, France, Morocco, Germany and Italy. The school offers support for incoming exchange and dual-diploma students. It provides special academic advising for international students. Along a number of study abroad opportunities and a number of study abroad opportunities. It is Listed among the elite public universities in the US even the out-of-state tuition without scholarships isn’t too expensive. It has lot of exchange agreements with overseas universities and offers a special orientation session for these students.
Tuition: $8,144 (In-state) $18,464 (Out-of-state)
Average tuition minus institutional grants/scholarships: $11,535
Flow Percentage of International Students: 11%
Undergraduate: 13,412
Graduate students: 3,283
Average SAT scores range: 1773-205

Average ACT scores range: 27-30

Types of Life Insurance Policies

Insurance companies have present different levels of policies to suit different needs of public. At the time of confirming to buy a policy, a person must know firstly the amount of premium he will have to pay, secondly time span of insurance, and thirdly.sum insured with or without bonus. The following are the types of life insurance policies:
1) Whole life policy
2) Endowment policy
3) Term policy
4) Other life policies

Types Of Life Insurance Policies

1) Whole Life policy
           In this type of policy the insured have to pay premium throughout his life or up to limited years. The amount is paid to the nominee of the insured on his death. This done for the protection of nominee's family. The rate of premium in the policy is low as compared to other policies of life insurance because amount is payable in the whole life. This type of policy has no financial gain to insured. It can be further classified into following types:
Ordinary whole life policy
 Limited Premium whole life policy
 Single Premium whole life policy

2) Endowment Policy
This type of policy is issued for a fixed specific period of time. Insured is payable to the policyholder on the maturity of the policy. Endowment policy is very popular because it makes provision for the security of the family. The following are the types of this policy:
  •  Ordinary endowment policy
  • Pure endowment policy
  •  Double Endowment policy
  •  Deferred endowment policy.

3) Term Policy
     It's a very old policy which is for 1, 2, 5 or 10 years. The money is paid back only after the death of the nominee. If the nominee survives more than the insured time than company will not pay back the amount. We have to make knowledge that it's neither saving nor investment. It has following types:
  •  Straight Term policy
  • Convertible Term Policy
  • Decreasing Term Policy
  • Renewal Term Policy

4) Other Life Policies
Some of the types of life insurance are as follows:
  •  Single Premium Insurance
  • Joint Life Policy
  • Group Life Insurance
  • Multipurpose Insurance Policy

Concept of insurance

Human beings are exposed to different kinds of risks, Such as loss of property by fire, untimely death, and loss in accidents. They are uncertain. It is impossible to eliminate financial loss arising from an uncertain event with the help of insurance. Thus, insurance is a financial mechanism to reduce or eliminate the financial loss due to risk .However, it can neither eliminate nor reduce the risk, but only provides protection against them .Insurance is a way of sharing a risk among the peoples.
                     The nature of insurance can be expressed clearly by an example. Suppose there are 20,000 houses in a village each values Rs: 200000. On the basis of experience it is ascertained that four houses are destroyed by fire each year. Thus, it is clear that fire will catch in four houses next year. But, it cannot be ascertained as to which house will catch house. Nobody knows who those unfortunate individuals will be. One cannot foretell when and who would suffer loss. But everyone is afraid of the risk to which they are exposed. That is, everyone is likely to suffer from a loss of Rs: 200000 which is a big burden for an individual. They can find a method of providing protection against this risk by establishing a common fund to which each contributes Rs: 80 very years. The four unfortunate householders can be compensated by the created fund. It is in this cooperative measures that insurance originated. In fact, the most important from of risk transfer is insurance.
               Insurance protects a person and his dependents from loss arising from future uncertain events such as fire, flood, accidents, early death, etc. It should be remembered that the loss cannot be eliminated by insurance but it spreads over a large number of persons. The function of insurance is to distribute the loss of few persons into many persons. We have to make the idea that the insurance is a process of sharing risks.

University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridgewas founded in 1209 and is a collegiate public research university in Cambridge, The Great Britain (England). .It is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world and the world's fourth-oldest surviving university. After the dispute with townsfolk, it grew out of an association of scholars who left the University of Oxford.

Including 31 constituent colleges and over 100 academic departments Cambridge was formed. The colleges are self-governing institutions founded as integral parts of the university. Its university occupies buildings throughout the town, and many of which are of historical importance. The university is closely linked with the development of the high-tech business cluster known as silicon fen. The central university and colleges have a combined aptitude of around £4.9 billion which is the largest of any university outside the United States

Beside academic studies approximately student life is centered on the colleges and numerous pan-university artistic activities and in different sports clubs and societies.Students learning involve lectures and laboratory sessions organized by departments and by college supervisions provided. Cambridge University operates scientific museums, Arts, and culture including the botanic garden and Fitzwilliam Museum. It holds around 15 million books out of which 8 million books are in its library which is a legal deposit library. Its printing press is the oldest publishing house and second largest university printing press.

 According to University Ranking 2014-15 by Academic Performance (URAP), it is the 2nd university in UK and coming second to Oxford, and listed as 5th top university in the world. It has many notable alumni, politicians, economists, actors including several eminent mathematicians, scientists, writers, philosophers, and 90 Nobel laureates who have been affiliated with it.

New England College of Business and Finance

 With the Motto of Integrity, Leadership and knowledge, The New England College of Business (NECB) was established in 1909 Boston, Massachusetts.  The NECB is a private and for-benefit online school. NECBis associates with undergrad and graduate degrees in International business, science related field, Business Administration and Digital Marketing. Thousands of students are joining the distance learning program. The platform of distance learning has made NECB a special college.

NECB was later incorporated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 1914 but at first it was originally founded as the American Banking Institute (ABI) in 1909. With the view to offer a degree associate’s in business administration ABI received their degree-granting authority in 1979 from the Board of Regents of Higher Education in Massachusetts. From the New England Association of Schools and College In 1985, ABI received full college accreditation – the only bank sponsored educational institution in America to become accredited as a degree granting college.  At last with the association of bank members in 1988, and finally ABI expanded throughout New England and later voted to change the name to the New England Banking Institute.
Awards and honors
  •  It is their honor to achieve U.S. News and World Report: Best online programs in MBA programs 2015
  •  It is NECB honor to achieve 2014 Gold Awards for Best practices for Distance learning programming honored by U.S. Distance learning association
  • It will always be Glad of NECB to achieve creative use of technology award, handled by Association for continuing Higher education.
  • t is their pride to achieve Brandon hall group silver award for excellence in the best learning team category 2014

