Do mathematics use in our daily life?

In our daily life directly or indirectly we use the mathematics to exchange our daily activities to make our task easier. Since the early in the morning to the night of the moonlight, we use mathematics. For instance, we wake up in the morning and notice what time is it, here also we use mathematics? Don't we? Indeed engineer, Scientists, photographer, doctors etc, use the mathematics to be the professional and everyone in the world use it as a factor to make their work successful.
In general life, we wake up in the early morning and watch the time and estimate our daily task to be done. And then we take breakfast and ready for school. H/she estimate the distance between his/her home to the school and start to move on. Additionally h/she notice the time too. Isn't here the measurement of distance and time used as mathematics? Surely, it is?
To be a good photographer does we need mathematics? Absolutely we do. The measurement of the angle and the snapping time should be accurate to achieve the good photograph. Don't we? Additionally, to be a successful engineer h/she should have the good enough knowledge of mathematics. Shouldn't they? So mathematics is familiar in this sector.
Do you ever celebrate your birthday? How old are you? If the answer is 16 then, don't you think you are using the mathematics to express your age? Obviously you do. So, we use mathematics in our daily life.
If you are football fan than then you probably have the good enough knowledge of full game and the soccer scored and the time bounded in the game. Here, time and scored goals are also the part of mathematics. Isn't it? And additionally players are transfer to a new club in millions dollars. Here the currency is also a part of mathematics. So in sports mathematics is also a familiar term.
In our daily life we should be able to manage the financial status .Along with the maintaining the money you earned and the shopping you do is the most. So for accurate management of the household problems you probably should have the enough knowledge of the mathematics.
lastly, mathematics is very much essential factor that has made our life much easier.

How can we as individuals become healthier?

How can we as individuals become healthier?

As saying goes "prevention is better than cure". It is axiomatic. Don't it? An apple a day keeps the doctor away is the main motto to be healthier in modern era. Prepare yourself to eat the foods, drinks, fruits and enough water at the right time and additionally sufficient exercise help you to be healthier. Today, Yoga has become the medium for the healthy life style. Be prepare yourself to consume the food that gives 2400 calories per a day, it surely keeps you healthy.
It has been established for centuries that eating the wrong food is the main cause of illness.  Millions of people are consuming the foods and the drink and as well as the tobacco which is not good for their health. Knowingly thousands of people are poisoning themselves and heading themselves to kill instantly. Yet it is amazing that the same people will take slow action poison for the temporary pleasure. Perhaps, saying no to those foods help you to live longer.
Even though if we eat the nutritional food in adequate amount we will be harmed. For instant, eating a banana in an hour is good for health but if we take a dozen of banana at a time then we probably face the health problem.  So, it is sure that to happen. Therefore, eating the food stuff need the right balance for the healthy lifestyle.
Streets food and dry food are famous in the worldwide.worldwide. MoroChow-min are the famous food that usually people eat. But do they are really good for health. In some case, they may be good but who cares? How oily and fresh are they? So, stop eating that food stuff will probably increase your living life. If you do then it is sure to happen.
There is a need to exercise sufficiently to burn up the food that we take into our bodies. The easy lifestyle has taken away from us the natural method of exercise-hard physical work. So it is logical that other forms of exercise must be substituted. There is a long list of exercise to fit every age, interest and preference. Many of them cost very little. Investment in a pair of shoes,t-shirts and a couple of running shoes are needed for jogging or running. In Singapore it is almost the national pat time. An hour a day set aside foe exercise is certainly a worthwhile investment.
Lastly, the individual should avoid harmful lifestyle. Too many late nights, neglecting sleep, not eating regularly, a promiscuous life- all these will ruin your health. It needs us to be better masters of ourselves and say no to temporary pleasure. Stress, and hanging on the internet over a late night also makes your health bad and causes many problems like back pain and eye problem.So, if you want to get out of this kind of problem be careful about these activities.

Being ourselves responsible is the main key for making us healthy and fit. Therefore, key is in your hand whether you want ruin your health or make a healthy lifestyle.So, dont you want live longer being healthy and fit?  


              Mankind is undoubtedly the pinnacle of evolution's achievement so far, in terms of intelligence and the ability to purposefully change the natural world which is brought us into being. Of course, since these are the traits we are dominant in, we tend to regard them as the most fitting criteria to determine evolutionary ascendancy. We are certainly not evolution's pinnacle in terms of numbers-many different species ranging from beetles to bacteria must populate the world in far greater numbers than ourselves. In terms of biochemical abilities we are pathetic, helpless, creature compared with plants, whose photosynthesis 'cleverness' we depend on ,and a multitude of organisms from bacteria to various other vertebrates which can manufacture many more of the molecules they need to survive and grow than our vitamin-dependent selves. Our ability to rearrange or destroy the  natural world, to make vast prairies of wheat, new breeds of horses and dogs cattle and crops, to demolish rain forests and eradicate dangerous pathogens such as the virus that used to cause smallpox, has been purchased in return for a hopeless dependency on the very creatures we can manipulate or destroy.
For many years mankind has been able to act as the 'sharper of life' in various indirect ways, such as selective breeding or extermination, shepherding, chemical control and cultivation. Throughout the 1970s we became steadily able to shape new life directly, thanks to the emergence of the ne 'biotechnology' known as genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is a blanket term for a host of different biochemical techniques which promise to ultimately give us complete mastery over the nature of life on the planet, and on any other planets we choose to colonies as well. All of the living things on the earth today are at heart composed of genes that encode proteins. Genetic engineering allows us to tinker directly with the chemical that genes are made of DNA. It allows us to take genes out from living things and study them. It allows us to put new genes into living things that would never have acquired such genes by more natural means. It allows us to chop us genes and to change them, to swap genes around between living things, to manufactures entirely novel genes not yet discovered by evolution, and to generally explore the full potential of DNA as a carrier of genetic information at an unbelievably faster rate than the slow remorseless march of conventional evolution.
Mankind, by learning the skills of genetic engineering has become a radical new, dramatically fast and powerful mechanism of genetic change. Unlike the conventional mechanisms of genetic change, mankind can purposely direct evolution towards specific goal.

we could create new breeds of livestock which could give larger yields and perhaps be resistant to various diseases. Eventually we could probably create new breeds of people, if we wished. The ultimate possibilities of genetic engineering are virtually limitless, since DNA is what makes living things what they are .Obviously these limitless possibilities can be a source of great concern and a hope. Human history surely catalogues the exploits of a species abundantly supplies with craziness; and the future always eventually arrives, often much sooner than we expect it to.

Therefore, it is easy to laughingly dismiss the idea that the relatively trivial tinkering of today's genetic engineering could eventually lead on to the creation of such 'wonders' as photosynthetic disease-free humanoids, with regenerating brains and a life span to many thousands of years; but genetic engineering, with its potential to take over the 'reins' of evolution from Darwinian natural selection, can make the laughingly likely. If the slow march of evolution by natural selection has allowed single cells to give rise to humans, what might humans be changed into by much faster process of purposeful genetic engineering? Isn't it?
Would food scarcity be an issue in the coming years?

Would food scarcity be an issue in the coming years?

In a large number of poverty stricken countries, there are some alarming agricultural trends. The ozone and greenhouse cries are bad enough, but there are other problems that are far more immediately pressing-soil loss and deforestation, the shrinking of cropland, the genetic erosion of the major grain crops and the terrifying depletion of the oceanic fisheries. The world is realizing that the technologically triggered green revolution which brought food abundance with its industrial farming of genetically hybrid and chemically dependent grains has not been completely successful. The abundance it generated was temporary. It is now realized that it has also brought diseased soils, pest-infected crops, water-logged deserts and disgruntled farmers. There was prediction in 1968 that, as population grows, life would get nastier. Today, world population has strike the 7 billion and as doomsters say, people are trapped in absolute poverty. Population has growing 90 million a year and the production of grain has dropping by 1% a year. A current emphasize to fight hunger, which gives hope, is to help the small farmer who was squeezed out by industrial agriculture and made landless and unemployed.
The optimism of the early eighties that food shortage will not be a global problem owing partly to food sufficiency and import from the U.S. has since faced. In the nineties, world wheat and corn prices set records height-a sign that demand had outstripped production. The addition of 90 million a year and rising affluence accounted for the increase demand. Several factors, including policies related to the use of water, land and energy are covering to create food scarcity and raise prices.
Using more fertilizer will have little effect on yields as developments in recent times have shown. There was a time when fertilizer use raised land productivity and expanded the world's food supply. Farmers in many countries realize that fertilizer use has now exceeded the physiological capacity of existing crop varieties to absorb the applied nutrients .Additional use of fertilizer seems to have little or no effect on yields. What farmers have discovered is that the key to high agricultural productivity is water resources.  A new formula has to be worked out.
Asian countries, especially china and India, are becoming industrially strong but agriculturally vulnerable. Economic development of the Asian region and the consequent rise in affluence has boosted grained livestock products. The broiler industry grows. The demand for milk products increases. Grain that should sustain the poor is diverted to livestock to satisfy the demands of the affluent. Feed grain use is rising throughout Asia and some Asian countries like Japan, South Korea and Taiwan import more than 70% of the grain they consume and depend on the U.S. for grain exports, but these exports vary widely year by year. Aid from donor countries cannot be always relied upon since fiscal stringencies weaken support for food aid.
Population growth is also another frustrating factor. Countries with grain deficits are expected to experience rise in population. China, now turning to the outside world for massive quantities of grain will need by 2030 an amount equal to current world exports. India and Pakistan that are now experiencing depletion of water resources will also have to rely on imports. Will the U.S. able to cover the need of all these countries that are to experience grain deflects? It has seen probably impossible as there is little land to plough and agricultural productivity slow down yearly. A concomitant of food scarcity and spiraling grain prices is social unrest and political instability.
Therefore, global food scarcity can be averted if the deleterious practices of today are checked. The concept of small family size can be encouraged by educating women and empowering them. Non-farm uses of land for industry transport and recreational facilities are to be reduced and efficient use of water help to expand production of food. We may hope that man is capable of developing new technologies to bring a quantum jump in world food production.Probably,don't we?

