California Institute of technology was founded as Throop University in 1891 in Pasadena, CA, and renamed the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 1920.It is education institution highly focused in science and engineering research. It is home to approximately 2,300 students and 300 faculties. It has boasts 31 Nobel laureates among its past and current faculty and alumni. It has awarded National Medal of Science recipients58, National Medal of Technology recipients 13 and additionally, it has Memberships in the National Academies 111. It manages the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for NASA. Additionally, it owns and operates a global network of astronomical observatories and research facilities. It has ranked in the 1st position marking it as world top universities (2014-15).
The main mission of the California Institute of Technology is to expand human knowledge and benefit to the society through research integrated with education. It investigates the most challenging, interdisciplinary atmosphere, and fundamental problems in science and technology and in a singularly collegian. It has been educating outstanding students to become creative members of society.
Academic divisions
- Biology & Biological Engineering
- Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
- Engineering & Applied Science
- Geological & Planetary Sciences
- Humanities & Social Sciences Physics
- Mathematics & Astronomy
- It has 19 spacecraft and eight instruments employed in active missions
- The recently launched missions include the Mars Science Laboratory, Aquarius and Juno.
- Now, more than 100 research and mission collaborations with Cal-tech faculty
- It has been internationally recognized for excellence in geophysical research.
- It is providing research centers for seismic studies, high-performance computing, and mineral physics.
- It has been providing as a source for earthquake information in Southern California and around the world.