A Level colleges in nepal

With a view to render  quality education, A level was established in nepal. A level is Advanced level GCE (general certificate of qualification) . It  is equivalent to  two years intermediate course of nepal(+2).Nepal's intermediate level (+2) is affiliated to Tribhuvan University(TU) and examination is  controlled by higher secondary  education board(HSEB) but the A level examination is held under cambridge international examination board(CIE). It is much expensive than the nepalese course. But then also,today thousands of young student are enrolling for the A level admission in nepal. Dreaming about the bright future,hoping to get the technical education and the varieties of coursed offered has made them enroll. And the numbers of student enrolling in these colleges has been  increasing.
The examination is held in the 2 season may/june and sept/oct and the students are free to chose their examination date. Here, the General paper (GP) is compulsory and other course offers can be choose by yourself.It carries the 0.5 credit and other all subjects carries full credit(1) .The subjects marking are graded in 6 categories,They are A,B,C,D,E and U. Here, A is the best and the U is undergraduate, means u are not qualify for that subjects. There are may colleges offering A level education in nepal ,they are listed below;

  1. Orient college of science and management
  2. Malpi International college
  3. little Angel's college,Hattiban
  4. xavier International college
  5. Gandaki Boarding Higher secondary school
  6. Saipal Academy
  7. Themes International College
  8. Kathmandu Academy
  9. Kathmandu valley Higher Secondary school
  10. Lumbini International College
  11. Malpi institute
  12. A.J wild institute of advanced studies
  13. Kings college
  14. Novel academy
  15. cosmos international college
  16. Brihaspati Vidyasadan Higher secondary school
  17. Ace institute of management(AIM)
  18. Chelsea International Academy
  19. Grade english medium school
  20. Trinity International College
  21. Global college international
  22. Rupy's International school,tahachal
  23. Modern Indian School
  24. Kathmandu International study centre
  25. Budhanilkantha higher secondary school
  26. The british school
  27. Campion Academy
  28. St.Xavier's college
  29. Rato bangla school
  30. The British college
  31. Little step International Academy,simalchaur
  32. Kfa business school
  33. Kritika Education Health foundation
These, were the colleges ruining smoothly in nepal and has earn the good reputation in the worldwide. The teaching method and the well furnished  equipment with good management system has made the colleges running successful.Available of trained professional teachers, and the teaching method is completely based on the practical based knowledge. Which makes the A level education system  more effective and has the good impact on the people.

Fundamental insurance concept

The word peril, loss and hazard terms sound synonymously but the words used in the insurance are quite different and those words should be distinguished carefully. As the insurance is the unseen and unintended loss to the owner and for the organization. For instance, if the price of the gadgets decreases by the value of market or be by its ages. Although the decreases surely lost made the loss, but the loss in the term of insurance is not called as loss. Additionally for instance, if destruction of the same gadgets is done through the fire then it is unintended and unseen and so we can consider it as loss.
Insurance fundamental
Common loss exposure is listed below;
·         Personal
·          Liability and
·         Property

·         Personal Losses
The injury, illness, and premature death are the example of it.

·         liability losses
 The property which we cannot become legally responsible to pay back for injuries or other damages property. For instance, you have a pet and that pet harm others. For eg if you have a dog at home and that bites children, then probably you should be liable for the child heath. Additionally if you have a bike and you accidently have a accident and held you as a fault, then probably you may have to liable to pay for the damages you have caused. 

·         property losses
 The property loss by the unintended accidents like, fire, vehicle accident, storm damages that brought to the business are mentioned as property loss. It involves the destruction of commercial or let it be personal.

Cost and benefits of insurance in society

 Insurance is as ancient as history. Insurance is important in the today's society and not a new idea too. It protects us from the unforeseen events that could happen in the near future and cause the financial hardship. The insurance protect us from the heavy losses and secure our uncertain property from loss. It helps us to protect and purchase the cars, home, and business and safeguard our families' finical future.
Insurance is always helpful and always protecting us from uncertain loss. Many benefits are offer by the insurance to our society. It has been providing the protection by reimbursing people when their property is damaged by the human or natural causes. The natural disaster like landslide, flood, earthquake and so many others are there. In case of inhuman acts like theft is also deal by the insurance. So, it helps individual and business owner resume their normal standard of living and operation, which directly or indirectly benefits for the society.
There are much benefits of insurance. The primary benefits of it include
  credit support
     payment of losses
§                economic growth
§               peace of mind and
§               Loss prevention.

 When the business gone through the losses or faces the disaster in financial hardship banks and credits institution rely on insurance to make sure that they can recover. Insurance allows borrower to guarantee creditors that their investment is protected against disaster and can fell the secure of their property.
Additionally, when the business got down or burns and there are no conditions of resuming the operation then not only the business owner but also the impact will be on the third parties like employer, the goods from whom the owner is buying and to who now must find another business to fill their needs.

Insurance benefits society by encouraging activities and devices that reduce the amount of losses and their economic impact.

should the students textbook replace with electronic notebook?

If you are probably from the private schools then, you might have notice the average weight of the bag carried by you in those days.The materials you have to carry with the bags. Not only all notebook and textbook along with it you probably have carried the tiffin pack and also water bottle in some conditions .Due to the over ghastly weight of your own school bag you probably have cause the back pain.Not only the short term effect but also they would be suffer from long term effects and along with they will be the killer of stress too. The technological world has brought the easiness and efficient in our daily life. The laptops are invented and the works are being more easier and efficient these days. Therefore, the concept of using the laptops and reducing the students  stress,  back pain, along with save the student for being a donkey  in their school life.Isn't it a good idea?

Yearly the huge numbers of trees are been chopping down for the purpose of stationery goods. Pens ,pencils, textbook ,binders, notebook everything is made from the trees. Therefore, if the use of the laptops are introduced then,chopping down of trees would be decrease and along with it we will be getting more clean oxygen and we will be more healthier than today.

Though the laptops are quite expensive ranging from 50 thousands to 2 lakhs. But if we are even from middle class family then also these days we can manage it. The textbook and notebook also cost around 20-30 thousands yearly. So why not replace the textbook with electronic notebook? It saves the time that we have to search the work we want. The application loaded in it will be eventually makes the student to find the meaning and difficult word at a fingertip touch.They should not have to flipped the pages of their dusty book. The students who have the habit of saying" sir i have forget my homework" will eventually reduced because laptops is only the things they have to carry with them. So,students will also be disciplined.Don't they.

Therefore, the technological world has made us to do our work easier and in more effective way. The practise of using laptops should be encouraged.

Is the telephone a curse or a blessing?

The world has become technological world. The people are becoming more conscious about the technology and the use of the technology it has been wild.  Alexander Graham Bell probably never thought that the invention would actually be important to the world that without it, communication everywhere would grind to a halt. The value of telephone today cannot be overemphasized. Governments, business and private individual need to keep touch with people and by far the quickest and most convenient method is via telephone.
Can such invention would ever be cure? At quick assessment it seems impossible, but there are some instances in life when we could wish the telephone did not exist. It has made us contact us at every moment at any time. Ironically, this is also a curse. Many of us have times in which we do not want to be contacted .In the sense of our friends or family. When we are busy and want to deny the phone calls then also the ringtones never stops. So, it makes us feel irritate at those times. Some times in the odd times like ate meal and at the time of bed also and even on the mid of the night the ringtones may vibrate your bed or anywhere else. So, at that moment we wish telephone would never exist.
The technology of the telephone invention has made the art of writing the letter dead. It has made the people much easier and has made the people in touch. Everyone is in touch with their friends, family whether they are near or far, it doesn't matter. Telephone has been a blessing for those who could be live like a family even though they are miles far away.
In spite of the inconvenience that the telephone sometimes causes, its advantages far overweight them. The fact that we can be available on the telephone at all times means that businessman can make and covey quick decisions. We know that today the extreme fast decisions should be made for making the business successful.
The crime starts with the telephone. The nightmare of telephone is the phone threaten and doing the business. The kidnapping and bullying has been possible with the telephone too. Then how could we say that telephone is blessing for us?
Definitely, the telephone is a great blessing, but we cannot ignore it as a curse. In fact that the telephone connivance for communication, has made the globe as a global village and a lot of things in the world will not able to function.

what disease are most prevalent in the part of world and how can they combated?

 From the history itself, the most prevalent disease are malaria, smallpox, tuberculous ,heart diseases and dengue fever.For most of these diseases the causes are known and the battle against them rages in the many society since the past till now.
Chickenpox is a common tropical diseases. Anyone suffering from it breaks out into angry and red spots all over and suffer from high fever.It has been categorized as transmitted diseases as the virus transfer through the air and the medical science has not the exact formula for eradicate it but they have been breakthrough the vaccine now..And the good news is that it will make the suffer for a week and it won't re-transfer to the same body.

Cancer the world-wide diseases which causes a slow and painful death if not detected and treated early;is the number two killer in most of the countries including Nepal, Singapore. In the east, it is prevalent almost;everywhere. It comes in various forms and is not completely curable.The main reason for it is unhealthy habit. Along with smoking ,drinking and the users of drugs are the most victim of it and there are so many cancer and so many because of them are Yet not known  It can be treated through the surgery or radiotherapy.

Malaria and the dengue fever are caused by two types of mosquitoes.Malaria is caused by the anopheles and dengue is caused by the aedes.One of two dengue, is the more dangerous and causes death more often. Dengue causes in the brain while malaria is diseases of the blood and causes lifelong suffering through recurrent high fever. Since the both diseases are caused by the mosquitoes  we can prevent from it is destructing its breeding.

most of the people are suffering from heart diseases. This is probably because of the sedentary lifestyle-lack of exercise, bad eating habits and stress too.The battle against heart diseases is waged more in the prevention arena.The main solution for it is eat healthy live healthy.

why insurance is essential for us?

Every day we face different problems like natural and uncontrolled human activities which could lost our ,millions of property. Therefore to overcome those property insurance is important. As insurance is the main way of business and individuals to reduce financial impact of a risk occurring in the near future. There are different types of insurance,as homeowner insurance,vehicle insurance,life insurance,animals and crops insurance.So, if we face the problem in the near future then we may overcome the value of it if we have done insurance of it.
Home insurance is important because if the natural disaster like,flood ,landslide,fire damages the property of the home then it could be overcome but some may be expectation.  This type of insurance is famous all over the world.
Identity theft insurance is also becoming popular in these days because if the you lost your identity card then other impersonal may use it and take advantages.Even the criminals are using this card to withdraw the bank balance and rent a house along with the information in it to get the job.It can be avoided by the following points:
  • you must keep the amount of personal information in your purse or wallet to the bare minimum. Carrying of additional credits cards and your social security cards or passport unless it is very much essential.
  • be careful do not give out the personal information,whether on the pone or on the social medium unless you have initiated the contact or sure you you know whom you are dealing with.
  •  You probably should shred any documents containing personal information such as credits cards numbers bank statement,charge receipts or credit card application,before disposing them.
If you are victim of a crime ,report to the police station or credit card company as possible as you can to secure your credit card .

Animals insurance is also essential for us,more essential for farmers because if you love your pets or you are doing the farm of animals then you must probably benefited.If animals get sick then the insurance company  obviously help you.So, it is also important.

Vehicle insurance is the most popular insurance in the world.If you have done the insurance of the vehicles then you may be overcome it if your vehicle get accident or got theft.So motor vehicle is also essential.

Therefore, insurance is very much essential for us. Everything we lost would be overcome and it makes our life much easier and safer.

Should advertising be restricted in any way?

Advertisement has been exiting probably as ancient as civilized society. Signs put up by potters that theirs is the best pottery in the town have been unearthed by archeologists. So, far from an early age, humans have been trying to persuade others to buy their goods or employ their services. As we know that, every company advertisement its products, whatever the product is good or has the bad effect. For instance, tobacco consuming is injurious to health and the wine is not good for health even though these products have been advertising in many societies. Surely advertising should be completely restricted for the good of societies.
Humans are easily persuaded. Though it is true that we all have facility to tell what is good from what is bad, the power of advertise
ments is usually so powerful in persuading us that we often suspend reasons. Alcohol drinking is bad for health but advertisement knows exactly what to appeal to, to persuade us. Alcohol advertisements titillate our senses and project the information that drinking alcohol- of certain brand - will make us sexually more desirable or put us in a better standing in the society. Reasons makes us realize that cannot be true, but emotions usually rule. To make it worse, the advertisements are often repeated and after some time begin to work on the subconscious mind. What is even more of puzzle is that we did ban cigarette advertisements.
Not only in advertisements, but in laws and rules too, there is a tendency for humans not to comply but to find ways on how to break the rules legally. For instance when advertising, it is important that the advertising is not misleading. So, what do advertisers do? Instead of following the rule, they try to walk the line. They try to word advertisement in such a way to make them appear vague and truthful. Advertisements about the sliming of the body were a attractive medium for the ladies to be slimmer these days. But the result was not satisfied after used and there was arouse the conflict between them.  Without a doubt there must be some restriction against such advertisements. Unfortunately there seems to be a system of 'let the buyer beware'. This throws the onus on the buyer and the advertiser is able to get away with what is almost blatant cheating.
More stringent laws are required in the case of advertisements. Advertisements should be restricted even further than they are to protect buyer. laws should be passed to further protect the consumer.

Has the effect of new technology on our lives always been beneficial?

After the invention of the technological instruments from the mid 2oth, it would be true to say that technology has been largely beneficial to all of us, but alas, it has not always been beneficial. In many instances, new technology has caused a lot of harm to their users and also to the environment. Hence, new technology has been largely beneficial but also has brought tremendous harmful effects.
 The discovery of electricity and its myriad uses is certainly most beneficial. Because of electricity, we are able to operate the different electronic equipment for our easiness and able to turn night into day with electric lights. The thousands of home appliances have made our life wonderful. They are convenient to operate and take over a lot of our harder and more tedious tasks, such as food processing and clothes washing. It has saves our precious time. Additionally, in leisure also it has made us entertain ourselves by operating the music system, television, internet, etc.
We use appliance like refrigerator and air conditioner which gives use pleasure while we use but it has also made us harm and the environment and ozone layer. Today we are being much lazier, the electronic tooth brush brushes our teeth and due to our body inactivity, the human body is now prone to all sorts of illness caused by lack of exercise, over eating and a generally sedentary life-style.
In some areas, technology has been mostly beneficial. The area is farming. Technology has brought the new types of hybrid seeds and better crops along with better breeds of livestock. This has helped to reduce the food scarcity in this hungry world. One notable method is farming through means of hydroponics. This involves, growing, vegetables and fruits without the use of land but with just water and chemical. These types of technology are all beneficial.
There are certain other aspects of technology which are all harmful. Creating new technology weapons and nuclear weapons .It is distressing to see that it is the advanced countries that create weapons of destruction and sell them to the less developed ones. This will probably brings the war and kill the many innocents peoples.
The human beings have created the technology for their easiness but it is unfortunate that the other side of the coins shows that the same technologies also destroy or at least damage the life. It would be wonderful if only the helpful technology is propagated thought-out the world.

Teenage smoking.

Smoking is injurious to health. Every people know it, but then also, why millions of people are smoking in the world today and the number is in increasing tread. Why do people smoke and why do they build the habit of smoking? When does their habit become problems? The trend of smoking has brought the tremendous problem in the health sector and has given the challenge to solve it. The long term effects like lung cancer, thought cancer, tongue cancer, liver cancer etc. has been taking the death of millions of live, and then also it didn't stop. Surprisingly, additional number of teenagers is adding in the huge numbers. Smoking is the serious problem that has to be neutralized.
A unique period of growth and development, adolescents marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. It is characterized by increased mobility and freedom, demands for more independence, and increased capabilities in many areas. During this period, adolescents begin to except adolescents to be more responsible. During this period, adolescents strive to become adults and thus began to imitate adult behavior, which often includes the smoking. The trend of smoking in the age group of adolescents has headed them towards work destination and even to the use of drugs. The peer pressure, emitting of celebrates has been the main factors.

Every group of adolescents is susceptible to peer pressure. An example of real pressure is when h/she is told to smoke by group of adolescents or find you another group or friend to hang out. Therefore, with the fear of losing the friend s or being folded from the group they stars smoking.
The teenager starts smoking because they belief smoking is done by great person and it gives the good personality. Many teenagers think that they will not enjoy the parties or in get-together events without smoking, so they smoke.
Smoking has been the new medicine for relaxation. Feeling of uneasiness, tension, and fear, as well as more serve symptoms of panic and depression are reduced. When the teenagers go through the problems they starts smoking and fells like they got away from the problems, but they do not know that as every pop of cigarette gets smaller the life of smoker also get decreased. It is bitter but truth.

Is sports too closely linked to money these days?

After the competition of world cup the buying and selling of the football stars has strike its news in the internet and in newspaper as a viral. The selling of Liverpool striker Luis Suarez to the span's club Barcelona and buying the striker James Rodriguez by the Real Madrid in huge sums has overflow its news in Internet. The all times higher transfer of Gareth Bale from the Tottenham Hotshot to the Real Madrid was had also been a great new in sports. So there are huge sums of money in sports.

It is amazing that prices are attached to sports stars saying that they are worth so much. It is also unbelievable that they are bought and sold between clubs. This is much a prevalent practice that no one stops to ask if the practice is human. What really means is that the sports stars play for money; what they do is make livings. What used to be a game like football -it not so anymore. So, much so that even children's who play football in schools have an eye on the future when they hope to play for big money. On the playing fields, where one sees the stars in the action, one sees why games are not games anymore. Actually games are battles by proxy. The stars need to score in order to keep their price tags intact. A sport is certainly linked too much to money.

Perhaps the popularity of a sport is what makes it such a big money concern. Whereas, sports used to be played in stadium watched by a few thousands spectators, sports nowadays is broadcast over TV and radio, and watched or listened to by millions. The broadcasting involves huge sums by way of advertisements and is a great source of income for the broadcasting stations. Naturally a rivalry exists between stations to get the contract for the broadcasts. Again money is involved.

Countries throughout the world are caught in the sports and money rackets as well. Like the mercenaries that join armies to fight for a fee, sports stars work for countries sports team. Of particular note in this area is football. It is common for countries to hire sports star to join the country's team in exchange for exorbitant fees and then play and win with the other teams in the neighborhood. The stars are given fantastic perks like housing and citizenship to tempt them. One wonders if the countries feel any real glory when what they have is a team of mercenaries playing for them. Again we see the issue of money looming like a giant in sports.

Lastly, but certainly no less important, is the issue of gambling. Sport as a form of gambling exists even in the countries where governments are known to be against gambling in the other forms. Every one bets and since the gambling involves enormous amounts of money, there are those who wants to win at any cost. Doping match fixing and even hurting of opposing players take place. Again, we see that money is at the back of all the dishonesty.
It is therefore true that money nowadays is too closely linked to money. Since the dominance of money is sports, it is just a business. Gone are the days when sports used to be, well sports.

The use and abuse of alcohol

Why do people have a habit of drinking? Why do they drink, and when does their drinking become the problem? One way to began analyzing these complex questions is to view them on a continuum.  At one end is social drinking, here defined as the ritual of recreation consumption of alcoholic beverages at meals, parties and special occasions. The alcohol may be an integral part of a ritual or serve to stimulate the appetite and help produce conversation, relaxation and good feelings. Consumption is usually done at a slow pace and involves small to moderate quantities, thus having very few negative consequences.In the middle of continuum is alcohol misuse, alcohol consumption in excessive may cause negative effects. The drinking individuals talk loudly and make inappropriate statements and engaged in vandalism; sometimes they become aggressive or even pass out. For people in this category, misuse generally occur rarely or infrequent. At the other extreme, alcohol abuse is very similar to alcohol misuse, except that the excessive consumption occurs frequently or regularly.Numbers of factors are there to be engaged by a individual to be a alcoholism. The most obvious are those in the immediate environment, such as the nature of the occasion, one's personal desire and physical and mental state along with the degree of peer pressure.  In addition to these are the socio-cultural influences, or all the historical and contemporary factors that contribute to an individual's attitudes, belief and values regarding the use of alcohol. These may include ethnic, religious and family customs.It is particularly important to understand what motivates adolescents to drink and misuse alcohol. This  is partly because patterns acquire during this early period frequently carry over into adulthood. The factors that trigger members of this group to misuse and abuse alcohol, however, are complex especially.Every group, and especially the group of adolescents, is susceptible to peer pressure. Such pressure can be imagined or real.
For instance, in a group of adolescents, h/she is forced to drink the alcohol, if h/she denied then the group may told them to find the new group to hang out with. So, Imaginary peer pressure occurs when adolescents generate their own pressure as a result of their fear, often unfolded, of being rejected by the group. Unfortunately, both pressures may ultimately lead to unwise drinking habits.An immediate, short-term effect of an alcohol is mild tranquillization, or a euphoric sense of well being. Feelings of uneasiness, tension and fear, as well as more serve symptoms of panic and depression, are reduced. This is why many people, including teenagers, find alcohol use beneficial. During adolescents, many teenagers experience considerable personal turmoil as their roles, emotions, expectation, capabilities and desire change. Drinking alcohol, however, merely desensitizes teenagers to their problems for a short time. Drinking presents no genuine or long-term solutions, and only leads to more and more serious difficulties. Isn't it?
  The Death of Birth

The Death of Birth


          Before Brazil's great land rush, the emerald rain forest Rondonia state were unspoiled showcase for the diversity life of diversity. In territory south of the Amazon, there was very much  hardly a break in the canopy of 2oo-feet tall trees, and virtually every acre was alive with the cacophony of all kind of insects, birds and monkeys.On, 1970s, came the settlers of swarms , slashing and burning swaths through the forest to create the roads, towns and fields. As far as  we know, soil that supported a rich rain forest is not well suited to corn and other crops, and mostly  the newcomers can eke out only an impoverished and disease-ridden existence. While on the process, they are destroying an ecosystem and the millions of species of plants and animals that live in it. An approximately 2o% of Rondania's forest was gone, and at present rates of destruction, it will be totally wiped out with 25 years.Don't they?
       Nearly every habitat is a risk. Forests in the northern hemisphere have fallen to lumbering,  acid rain .Resulting, Marine ecosystems around the world are threatened by pollution, and overfishing in the coastal development. It is in the topics, that the battle to preserve what scientists call biodiversity will be won or lost. Tropical forests cover only 7th% of the earth surface, but they house between 50% and 80% of the planet's species.
  Despite the alarm with which scientists view this trend, probably the  biodiversity has just surfaced on the world's political agenda. Problems of high-profile animals such as tiger and rhino grab public attention, while mny people hardly see the point of worrying about insects and plants.Do they? But extinction is the one environmental calamity that is irreversible. As a result lowly species disappear unnoticed, they take with them  and hard-won lessons of survival encoded in their genes over many years.
 Humanity already benefits greatly from the genetic heritage of little known species. Approximately 25% of the pharmaceuticals in use in the U.S. today contain ingredients  derived from wild plants.Don't they? Hidden anonymously in clumps of vegetation about to be bulldozed or burned might be plants with cures for still unconquered diseases. Janzen said "I know of three plants with the potential to treat AIDS'.

Finally, the unfortunate reality is that many habitats are not going to be saved. While preventing the genetic legacy of those areas from being extinguished and as many species as probably should be preserved in zoos, botanical gardens and the other gene banks. probably the  scientists can study a small percentage of threatened organisms and have the options of later returning them to the wild or transplanting some of their genes into other species.       


A new theory suggests that medicine could be bad for your health, which should at least come as good news to people who cannot afford to buy expensive medicine. However, it is a blow to the medicine industry, and an even bigger blow to our confidence in the progress of science. This new theory argues that healing is at our fingertips: we can be healthy by doing Reiko on a regular basis.
Supporters of medical treatment argue that medicine should be trusted since it is effective and scientifically proven. They say that there is no need for spiritual methods such as Reiko, Yoga, Tai Chi. These waste our time, something which is quite precious in our material world. There is medicine that can kill our pain, x-rays that show us our fractured bones or MRI that scans our brain for tumours. We must admit that these methods are very effective in the examples that they provide. However, there are some “every day complaints” such as back pains, headaches, insomnia, which are treated currently with medicine. When you have a headache, you take an Aspirin, or Vermidon, when you cannot sleep,  you take Xanax without thinking of the side effects of these. When you use these pills for a long period, you become addicted to them; you cannot sleep without them. We pay huge amounts of money and become addicted instead of getting better. How about a safer and more economical way of healing? When doing Reiki to yourself, you do not need anything except your energy so it is very economical. As for its history, it was discovered in Japan in the early 1900s and its popularity has spread particularly throughout America and Western Europe.  In quantum physics, energy is recognized as the fundamental substance of which the universe is composed. Reiki depends on the energy within our bodies. It is a simple and effective way of restoring the energy flow. There are no side effects and it is scientifically explained.
Opponents of alternative healing methods also claim that serious illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and cancer cannot be treated without drugs. They think so because these patients spend the rest of their lives in the hospital taking medicine. How can Reiki make these people healthy again? It is very unfortunate that these patients have to live in the hospital losing their hair because of chemotherapy, losing weight because of the side effects of the medicine they take. Actually, it is common knowledge that except for when the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, drugs also cannot treat AIDS or cancer. Most of the medicine these patients use are to ease their pain and their sufferings because of the medical treatment they undergo. Instead of drugs which are expensive and have many side effects, you can use your energy to overcome the hardships of life, find an emotional balance, leave the stress of everyday life and let go of the everyday worries. Most of the chronic conditions such as eczema or migraine are known to have causes such as poor diet and stress. Deep-rooted anger or other strong emotions can contribute to viral infections as well. Since balancing our emotions and controlling our thoughts are very important for our well-being, we should definitely start learning Reiki and avoid illnesses before it is too late. 
Some people may still maintain that in our material world, everything depends on time. It is even “lacking time” that causes much of the stress that leads to the illnesses we mentioned. How would it be possible to find time to do Reiki to ourselves and the people around us when we cannot even find time to go to the theater? This is one good thing about Reiki; it does not require more than 15 minutes of our time. There is no need for changing clothes or special equipment. It is a wonderfully simple healing art, an effective method of relaxation and stress-relief. Most important of all, it is less time consuming than medicine if we think of all the time we spend taking medicine for some complaints and taking some more for the side effects as well.
 Having said these, resistance to Reiki would be quite illogical. Reiki is natural and drug-free. What is more, it is easy to learn by anyone, regardless of age and experience. It can be used anywhere, any time. It also enhances physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and the benefits last a lifetime. It is definitely high time to get away from the drug boxes we store in our drug cabinet!

can money buy happiness?

People used to change goods with goods for their survival. Slowly people feel uneasy to exchange goods with goods. The system was called barter system. After all some intelligence people wants to make something as a medium of exchange. So the money was introduced for the betterment of people. Slowly the process was continued.

 A piece of paper or a coin which has the power to purchase things is defined as the money. We are using money as the medium for exchanging. Money is nothing rather than a piece of rectangular paper. In this modern age money has the great value. Human of today’s age run after the money.
People think money can buy everything. Is it true? Can a piece of paper can buy everything which we need. Some people may give answer is yes and some in no. But, in my view money can buy happiness for a short time which may turn into sadness. I do agree money can buy a luxurious bed? But not a deep sleep. Money can buy a huge amount of food but it cannot buy a little bit of hungriness. We should give money as medium but not as an importance. Basically we can see that many people fights for money. Why is it so? Our life is now totally depending on money. Because of money many crimes are committed in our society. Human’s beings are being more inhuman because of money. We people should take a lot of benefits by proper use of money. Everything has the positive as well as negative part. The thing is that we should achieve only a right thing. In another side we also see that many people have got a new life by the help of money. Money gives life as well it takes also. It depends on the user .The modern world is the gift of money. Many development has taken place due to money.

The role of alternative medicine today.

It is astounding that all the world over, from the 'most civilized' people to the most primitive societies, there have been and still is system of healing illness. After seeing that scientific medicines could cure some of the illness better than traditional ones, it seems that whole people have thrown out their system. Naturally many superstitious have been thrown out and this is commendable, but what has also happened is that they have all thrown out the baby with the bath water. When modern medicines were still in its infancy some of the system that has been abandoned had been curing sick people for thousand year. In spite of the drastic actions of many, it is fortunate that many alternative systems still today continue their great work.
In many parts of the world the alternative medicine is slowly coming back and earning a small reputation too .As in all things they are being accepted because of the proof of their effectiveness. One tried and tested method is the Chinese method of acupuncture .This does not sound at all logical because science knows nothing about energy spots and blocking. The system cannot be proven in any laboratory, but the amazing thing is that it works. Among the diseases that have been cured are so called incurable ones like diabetes and even baldness.
The Indian system one of which is ayurveda, follow rules which are similar to the Chinese systems. Ayurveda is based on herbs and in the balancing of vibration too. It is unfortunate that the Indian system has suffered a lot of loss because of the long period that Indian was under colonial rule. Much of the knowledge was dismissed as superstition and has since disappeared.
It is fascinating that primitive tribal medicine men have medical knowledge which can cure illness that cannot be cured by modern medicine. We read of amazing cures in the Philippines where faith instances their authenticity is beyond doubt and science is unable to offer even a weak explanation.

As expected as scientific medicine the alternative medicines are also effective. However the fact remains that there are quacks and charlatans who can destroy the good that they do. A way to make good use of system could be to study them scientifically and see which of them can be incorporated into modern medicine .After all, aren't they all driven by the same ideas?
The advantages and disadvantages of being educated abroad.

The advantages and disadvantages of being educated abroad.

Every country has its own educational system, based upon the social need, culture and wants. This is true but the flow of the student studying abroad is huge. The huge sums of money are spent by the student all over the world to study in the countries of their own choice. Here, what has been the attraction of millions of students? Is the education system of their own countries is not of quality? Or what has made that student studying abroad? Therefore, as everything has its advantage and disadvantage here the studying in abroad is also not exceptional.
An obvious advantage is a person educated abroad will see things in different light from those educated in their own countries. If we go deeper education is nothing but a real programming of the mind. For instance, in some countries student go to school to earn a living and knowledge. In other countries student learn to live or appreciate art and literature. These both are the programming of the mind and the values that we want for the good of the society.
Additionally the advantage is the person with an overseas education assuming the education takes place in the internationally recognized reputation- is able to rise above issue and see global perspectives. A smaller advantage of course, is that students with overseas education would have important contacts which could later be used for mutual benefits.
The disadvantages is foreign education may not solve the local social problems .there is also the higher expectation which may plague foreign graduates. They may have become so saturated in the foreign culture that they cannot relate with locals. There have also been instances of returned scholars who put on the behaviors of foreign cultures and become strangers in their own countries. Often these students yearn to go to the countries they were educated in.
like all things there are advantages and disadvantages to being educated abroad. The disadvantages can usually be overcome if the returned students is aware of them and is mindful that he has just got a different education and not necessary a superior one.

Advantage and disadvantage resulting from the use of satellite technology.

Advantage and disadvantage resulting from the use of satellite technology.

The 21st century is the rapid era of scientific progress. There have been countless breakthroughs in almost all areas. A notable area is the conquest of space. What were just dream in the last century, like walking on the moon, has become the surprisingly old news today. In the rapid progress of the technology, the space technology has brought us the huge changes in the field of communication and has become the man made satellite. They constitute a real breakthrough in the sense that they are the first objects to be placed in the orbit. Additionally to the natural satellite-moon we have several satellites place in the space. These are mostly communication satellites and of course of great help to all, but there is the potential of many disadvantages in satellite technology.
After the invention of the space technology it has become the blessing for the communication and has given the new meaning to the telecommunication. The use of satellites has made the video conference possible and you were also made facilitated to connect with the world. The world has become the global village and with the finger touches technology you are becoming the family members and being touch with them. Due to the technology the death of distance is sure. No doubt within the next century, the developments will be such as to create a world where there is greater closeness among the people.
The satellites television has become the boon to the modern society. In the past the each country received its own broadcast but now they receive broadcast from all over the world. In term of entertainment today the people are getting wide range of choice.
However, in spite of the tremendous advantages that satellites technology has, there are disadvantage and serious ones as that. Satellites can be used for spying on other countries. Since so far no one has tried to control what can be left in space, and no one can because if its vastness, it is legal for satellites to be used for looking at installations in any country. Thus blatant spying is possible. Also, if one country can use satellites to spy on another, the victim country naturally feels obligated to spy in return and send up its own satellites. Hence we have a different type of 'arms race'.
Everything has its own advantage and disadvantages but it is only the human being who can decide it how to use it.

