Should advertising be restricted in any way?

Advertisement has been exiting probably as ancient as civilized society. Signs put up by potters that theirs is the best pottery in the town have been unearthed by archeologists. So, far from an early age, humans have been trying to persuade others to buy their goods or employ their services. As we know that, every company advertisement its products, whatever the product is good or has the bad effect. For instance, tobacco consuming is injurious to health and the wine is not good for health even though these products have been advertising in many societies. Surely advertising should be completely restricted for the good of societies.
Humans are easily persuaded. Though it is true that we all have facility to tell what is good from what is bad, the power of advertise
ments is usually so powerful in persuading us that we often suspend reasons. Alcohol drinking is bad for health but advertisement knows exactly what to appeal to, to persuade us. Alcohol advertisements titillate our senses and project the information that drinking alcohol- of certain brand - will make us sexually more desirable or put us in a better standing in the society. Reasons makes us realize that cannot be true, but emotions usually rule. To make it worse, the advertisements are often repeated and after some time begin to work on the subconscious mind. What is even more of puzzle is that we did ban cigarette advertisements.
Not only in advertisements, but in laws and rules too, there is a tendency for humans not to comply but to find ways on how to break the rules legally. For instance when advertising, it is important that the advertising is not misleading. So, what do advertisers do? Instead of following the rule, they try to walk the line. They try to word advertisement in such a way to make them appear vague and truthful. Advertisements about the sliming of the body were a attractive medium for the ladies to be slimmer these days. But the result was not satisfied after used and there was arouse the conflict between them.  Without a doubt there must be some restriction against such advertisements. Unfortunately there seems to be a system of 'let the buyer beware'. This throws the onus on the buyer and the advertiser is able to get away with what is almost blatant cheating.
More stringent laws are required in the case of advertisements. Advertisements should be restricted even further than they are to protect buyer. laws should be passed to further protect the consumer.
