It is astounding that all the world over, from the 'most civilized' people to the most primitive societies, there have been and still is system of healing illness. After seeing that scientific medicines could cure some of the illness better than traditional ones, it seems that whole people have thrown out their system. Naturally many superstitious have been thrown out and this is commendable, but what has also happened is that they have all thrown out the baby with the bath water. When modern medicines were still in its infancy some of the system that has been abandoned had been curing sick people for thousand year. In spite of the drastic actions of many, it is fortunate that many alternative systems still today continue their great work.
In many parts of the world the alternative medicine is slowly coming back and earning a small reputation too .As in all things they are being accepted because of the proof of their effectiveness. One tried and tested method is the Chinese method of acupuncture .This does not sound at all logical because science knows nothing about energy spots and blocking. The system cannot be proven in any laboratory, but the amazing thing is that it works. Among the diseases that have been cured are so called incurable ones like diabetes and even baldness.
The Indian system one of which is ayurveda, follow rules which are similar to the Chinese systems. Ayurveda is based on herbs and in the balancing of vibration too. It is unfortunate that the Indian system has suffered a lot of loss because of the long period that Indian was under colonial rule. Much of the knowledge was dismissed as superstition and has since disappeared.
It is fascinating that primitive tribal medicine men have medical knowledge which can cure illness that cannot be cured by modern medicine. We read of amazing cures in the Philippines where faith instances their authenticity is beyond doubt and science is unable to offer even a weak explanation.
As expected as scientific medicine the alternative medicines are also effective. However the fact remains that there are quacks and charlatans who can destroy the good that they do. A way to make good use of system could be to study them scientifically and see which of them can be incorporated into modern medicine .After all, aren't they all driven by the same ideas?